Sharon Lewis
Professional Massage Therapy

About Me and Testimonials

What I do

Healing Hands of New Mexico/ Healing Hands of Santa Fe is owned and operated by myself, Sharon Lewis. I have been a massage therapist since 1992 with over 2800 hours of training in a variety of massage techniques. I specialize in Neuromuscular Therapy, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Aromatherapy massage (Raindrop Technique and Aroma Touch). If you don't know which treatment you desire, we'll take the time to discuss your habits and needs to determine what level of pressure, temperature and motion is best suited for your body's condition.



"Sharon is a very skilled massage therapist. She helped me shift my thoughts of massage as just a relaxation tool, to really using massage therapy to maintain and improve my overall health. Responsive to her clients' needs; always book with her when I'm in the area!" - Katie Preissner

"Sharon is truly one of the top body workers I have had the pleasure of receiving work from. She has clear, strong contact and is very intuitive at the same time. I highly recommend her, coming from another body worker that's saying a lot!"- Anne Herrick

"By far the BEST massage I have experienced." - Ann Clock

"Been going to Sharon for over a year - can't wait to see her for each visit. Gentle and attentive. Highly recommend her!" -Marilyn Procter